Profil appartenant à Daisy Hung

Road to a Sustainable City

Road to a Sustainable City

因此,我們都必須作一個有環境意識的消費者。在飲食方面,為食安把關也為環境盡一份力,落實小至個人家中陽台花圃種植小作物、大至挑選當地有機農小農戶; 出門購物時減少塑膠的使用,並自備購物袋及飲用水壺; 購買食品時,也需注意食品包裝上的製造商及生產商,檢查來源是否有標示符合永續標章。

在住家方面,盡可能選用可再生能源的方式供電或熱水,可大幅省下電費與瓦斯費的支出; 在交通方面,隨著電動的價格下降,用電動車、腳踏車取代燃油的汽機車的使用,一起減少碳排放。若每個人都能夠在生活中每個環節,做一個有環境意識的地球公民及消費者,我們將能夠為下一代創造一個永續宜居的生活環境。

"Road to a Sustainable City" was created and submitted for Art on Climate international competition organized by Allianz and sponsored by Fingertips to bring greater visibility to the issue of action against climate change.
My approach is to raise public awareness on combating climate change by alternating individual lifestyles and becoming a more conscious consumer. With the efforts and actions taken by individuals, we can further build a cleaner and more sustainable city for the next generations. 
Daisy Y. Hung a freelance illustrator from Taipei, Taiwan, currently enjoying her archipelago living in Port Vila, Vanuatu. She tends to look for inspirations on the seaside, in the jungles, and any beautiful moments she discovered within her island living adventures!

✦ If you like Daisy's works, feel free to reach her at ... ✦

✦ To see more behind the scenes/ 
small personal projects ...✦ 
Road to a Sustainable City
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Road to a Sustainable City

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