Jamie Seston 님의 프로필

Houndstooth is SO last year.

6/18 - Spielhaus June, an aim to post pattern based designs in the month of June.
After digitally recreating the Houndstooth pattern I wanted to use it, but I recognised it wasn't an original pattern of mine. Therefore I decided to create a mock print advertisement that discouraged the use of Houndstooth and instead endorsed a brand new print!

I played around with a few patterns I had made, but I chose a pattern I named 'Halfslice' as the newcomer due to the very simple yet displaced nature of it, as well as being able to use it in black and white like Houndstooth.

To be clear, you will not be seeing 'Halfslice' on all your favourite designer catwalks this season :-)
© 2022 SPIELHAUS. All rights reserved. Contact me at jme@spielhaus.it
Houndstooth is SO last year.


다음을 위한 프로젝트

Houndstooth is SO last year.

A mock attack on the beautiful Houndstooth pattern and endorsement of it's 'successor'.
