This was a Photo Montage exercise where I was to produce a design with a political message. The message could be a current issue or just something I feel strongly about.
I was to collect images and text from newspapers and magazines or source my own photographs or images online to create new meanings by juxtaposing and contrasting them. I was to be imaginative, humorous, provocative and playful. 

An issue close to my heart is animal rights having chosen to be a Vegetarian since I was 21 years old because of the way animals are treated. One of the issues that hurts me the most is the veal industry which is what I focused on with this piece. I found a horrific article online that stated "there is nothing more for it than to just eat the babies" and I tried to compare this to how we might feel differently if it were a human baby in the crates. 

Taking inspiration from David Carson and his experimental typography and using an image of a veal crate that I paid for from an animal rights charity, some magazine clippings of text from a Motherhood article and an image of a Cow I photographed from the side of Tesco's window! - I produced two versions of a photomontage; one censored and one uncensored. 




Sectores creativos