Digital paintings
Samples of my digital paintings along the last decade
Welcome to my imagined stuff corner.

This is a collection of mixed old and new artworks of mine, some are concept arts, matte paintings, illustrations or 3D models. Everything you see here is imagined and developed from scratch, here and there some real life influences, either they are fantasy creatures or Sci-fi or real vehicles. Like I said before, I don't like to copy or inspire heavy from other sources, I like to keep everything original, for a greater visual impact.

Tons of concepts like these never made it to be finished in Photoshop, the lack of spare time has a huge impact in what I do. Some remains as concept sketches, some are hidden deep in my mind, waiting for a new canvas in Photoshop named with that idea, object or creature.

Hope you like them, and as usual feel free to comment and share your thoughts.

Digital paintings