Profil von Jacktone wambui

Redesign of Safaricom Hakikisha Feature

Problem: Safaricom's Hakikisha Feature on Mpesa sim toolkit.

Safaricom's hakikisha feature 'CANCEL' which occurs after one has initiated a transaction on  Mpesa is perhap's a bad User experience design.The designers rather went for scientific correctness than deciding to focus on the intuitive user journey.'CANCEL' in a normal user journey means to stop the transaction but in the Hakikisha transaction,it accepts the transaction.This has led to many users sending money to wrong people and the process of reversing takes longer hence frustrations.
This will mostly help their users who are still using the sim toolkit in their Mpesa transactions rather than the Mpesa App.


To solve the problem,I did a correction using my design prototype.when sending money;after entering phone number,the name will come first rather than the amount.The sender will be able to see the name first hence avoiding sending to wrong people.

At the end,the "CANCEL" part will surely cancel the transaction rather than sending.
The following is the link for the prototype:
                                             Thank you!
Redesign of Safaricom Hakikisha Feature


Redesign of Safaricom Hakikisha Feature
