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Superheroes masks

Superhero masks made in a day for the opening party of the SuperHeroes Amsterdam office. Feel free to use them and give us a little thumbs up. Here is a link to a drop-box where you can download them from. They are AI files and should be printed in A3 (if they are intended to be used as masks).
Short instruction: All the masks are in the first file, expressions in nr 2 and the thumb in nr 3. When we mounted these I printed them on 200 gram paper and spray glued on to a bit thicker card board and used a metal stick to hold (as it blends more than wood, but anything can be used). We would suggest you to print on a bit thinner paper (80-100gr) as 200 gram is a bit hard to cut really nice. Also if there is a photobooth: check with the photo-booth company if the booth will be using flash. Because then its really important you print on matt paper (we printed on glossy paper as the booth was suppose to be with flash, but then it came with a flash and the mask didn't look as nice as they should.
If you have any questions drop us a line at:
The hulk:
Captain America: 
Wonder woman:
Superhero thumbs up glove:
Iron man:
Several sound effect signs: 
See the images from the photobooth here*:
*Sadly the adjustments of the flash in the photobooth was not the best, but the masks were a hit.
Superheroes masks
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Superheroes masks

Superhero masks made in a day for the opening party of the SuperHeroes Amsterdam office. Feel free to use them and most importantly: have fun!

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