Profil Superfinity Art

Little Teo | Wah! Wah! | Plushy Cute Whale

Little Teo is a plush toy baby whale character with an unusual personality. Trained to melt your heart with his cute emotions. Often likes to show off his vibrant character though does have a moody side throwing tantrums every so often. When Little Teo is down or cries relentlessly, his pacifier becomes his source of energy. In his own strange world, Little Teo is a unique whale.

The art of Little Teo was born in late 2013 while I was pursuing a dream to create my own character as a side project. Starting from rough story ideas and turning my sketches into a 3D model character. As my skills gradually improved so did Little Teo's appearance. Giving him funny poses mimicking awkward behaviours for a good laugh.​​​​​​​
Little Teo | Wah! Wah! | Plushy Cute Whale


Little Teo | Wah! Wah! | Plushy Cute Whale
