BIG YANG™'s profile

Integrated Base TV Design - Simple To Complexity

Integrated base TV design -
simple to control complexity - 以简驭繁


SHENGZHEN/ 2021 / /personal
Designed by BIG YANG


This TV was designed and developed during the Hisense period. In fact, 
TV design is difficult for many designers who are new to the industry. Basically, 
they are designed with "handcuffs". The design of the screen can only
 be concentrated on the base and the frame. In fact, the design 
cycle of this design is not long. To make an all-in-one large base, using 
powerful broken lines and visual contradiction illusion, while meeting
 the test requirements, it is extremely minimalist, using simplicity to control 
complexity, and using subtle changes in inner diameter to 
highlight the rhythm and power of the product. , At the same time, the one-piece 
base can also be split, without affecting the appearance, to make a 
cost-saving solution for the application of abrasive tools. It is in line with 
my advocacy of using simplicity to control complexity and insight into the heart.


Photoshop CC2022
Rhinoceros 7
Keyshot 11

Original Design Of  TV
Integrated Base TV Design - Simple To Complexity


Integrated Base TV Design - Simple To Complexity
