Chelsea Sendgraff's profile

Paid Social Media Ads


Medable is a software company offering a decentralized clinical trial platform. Allowing clinical trials to be run simultaneously in-person and remotely, decentralized trials—and specifically Medable's technology—make it easier for: 
• patients to participate in medical research
• pharmaceutical companies and clinical trial sites to efficiently run studies

...ultimately, bringing more ease, equity, and precision to medical research.

I wrote these social media advertisements, which were geared at clinical trial researchers and site staff, to address the pain points of exclusively conducting in-person research—ultimately enticing them to learn more about why decentralized trials will relieve their struggles. 

In addition to empathy, in the various ads, I used: 
• industry language to establish Medable as a knowledge resource (see applicable, detailed explanations below the ads)
• statistics such as '#1 in Everest PEAK matrix', '#1 DCT platform', and 'built by clinicians, patients advocates, and tech experts' to establish trust

We first released these ads with outdated branding. Before introducing a new graphic style, my copy alone saw a 5x better performance than previously run ads.

Skills utilized: empathy, brevity, wit, & critical thinking

Details about industry-specific language.

Patients wearing thin?
Many studies get delayed, greatly increasing the cost of running the study, because they do not have enough participants sign up for the trial. A decentralized trial makes it easier for people to participate because they do not have to take extensive time out of their days—which is an excessive burden to low-income patients as well as those with serious medical conditions—to travel to a physical site to participate.

Your patients have been patient long enough.
By running trials more efficiently and not having to wait for patients to physically visit a site, Medable's technology helps speed up the length of a clinical trial. This means that therapies (medicine or technology) can get approved faster and patients benefit from these therapies faster—in certain cases, saving their lives.

1000+ patients a day helps keep the IRB revision away.
When a study fails to enroll enough patients, the study documents, such as the IRB, need to be revised—delaying the study timeline and making the study more costly to complete.

We've been green lit.
Before a trial can officially begin, it goes through many stages of approval. When a study is 'green lit', that means that everything has been thoroughly vetted and approved, and the study can officially begin.

Paid Social Media Ads


Paid Social Media Ads


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