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Poison Dart Frog Infographic

Poison Dart Frog Infographic 
Poison Frogs also known as Poison Dart Frogs are some of the most colorful amphibians in the world. They are typically found in the wet and tropical forests of Central and South America. Native Americans from the Emberá Chocó group of tribes from the Pacific slopes of the Andes in Colombia have been known to use at least three varieties of these poisonous slime-jumpers to coat the tips of their blowgun darts. 
In an attempt to change the narrative behind scientific communication, my main focus behind this infographic was to highlight the frogs' Native American relationship and focus on that history. 
All images are owned by Avval Kaur. 
Poison Dart Frog Infographic
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Poison Dart Frog Infographic

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