Leon Tavares 的個人檔案

Graphic Novel Cover: The Lost Files

"The Lost Files" is a sequence of graphic novels created from an RPG campaign based on the Resident Evil universe, making it a fanmade story during the events of Raccoon City in the fictional universe created by Capcom.

The story follows a group of citizens who must help each other survive the terrible creatures created by Umbrella Corp. The theme of the story, clearly, is horror, with a few hints of humor and even romance, focusing a lot on the individual development of each character, action scenes and gradual suspense, while the characters discover each other's secrets, in addition to trying find out what's going on with the city.
 So far, only 5 volumes have been conceived, and I was in charge of creating their covers, in addition to designing the characters. 

 Next I will show the process of creating the cover for each volume.
The first volume should portray in an image what the story itself is about, so, I think the most appropriate would be a close-up on the face of a zombie with his face torn apart, showing right away what the characters are up against.
In the second volume, things calm down a bit, and the characters end up resting in a hotel. But one of the narratives ends up focusing on a character who witness a murder scene, which has a great narrative importance for him. 
So the meaning of this scene is that, despite the party resting in the hotel, things are not so calm yet.

The third volume shows, so far, the most difficult moment of the characters, where the hotel, once a safe place, now goes down in hellish flames. One of the characters in specific, carries a trauma with fire, so it was decided to put her on the cover struggling to stay alive and centered.
At the end of the previous volume, one of the characters was seriously injured by a new enemy, to be flashy, putting an image of him being touched, or even caressed by such an enemy, would be something interesting, so it ended up being decided to put him in that defenseless position on the cover.
A new antagonist is introduced at the beginning of this volume, however, this character is a pre-existing character in the Resident Evil mithos, so it would be interesting to get the public's attention.

Thanks for watching!
Graphic Novel Cover: The Lost Files


Graphic Novel Cover: The Lost Files

