
Uganda faces major challenges in the educational sector due to issues with funding and inadequate facilities. Besides that, currently, Uganda hosts 1.5 million refugees that flee to the country due to war and violence in the neighboring region of South Sudan. This results in a constantly growing number of unaccompanied and separated in Uganda`s refugee camps, currently over 64 percent (>900 000 kids).
On average, a refugee spends around 10 years living in a refugee camp, which means that the majority of children spend their whole childhood in those camps. They need and deserve both proper education and kid-friendly spaces. However, the current demand for educational facilities significantly outstrips the availability in both: free-of-charge public schools and especially in refugee camp schools. This often results in overcrowded classrooms of more than 100 students.
This project aims to provide the best possible educational infrastructure to the children of the Bidi Bidi refugee camp. The school addresses both educational and social activities during and after school hours, promoting play between the kids and inhabitants of the village. The program accommodates 780 students and included 28 classrooms with a capacity of 15 students, teachers' offices, a library, a dining area, restrooms, an outdoor playground, and educational gardens.
Inspired by traditional settlements the layout of the school buildings is composed of courtyards with a variety of both shaded and open spaces to play and socialize. The scheme embraces local construction techniques and sustainable materials such as laterite stone and bamboo - both widely available in the region, and also strong and easy to work with. This allows to create of a school that fits within the context and allows community participation in the further expansion of the school according to the growing need.

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School in Uganda. Architectural Proposal

School in Uganda. Architectural Proposal
