Alyssa Celentano 的个人资料

Save the Arts: Detroit

Collaborative project for an Advertising Processes class.
Assignment's Mission:
Advertise the importance of the arts. Create a campaign around saving your local opera, buying mp3s legally as opposed to sharing them with a friend, or campaigning for more arts programs in schools (just a few examples). 
We created an internet platform like Kickstarter called Coalesce, which allows anyone to start any cause related to saving the arts in any way they see necessary (causes as big as preventing the sale of art in the bankrupt city of Detroit, or causes as small as providing band instruments for a local elementary school).
This particular print campaign is for the specific cause of saving the arts in Detroit. This series of advertisements center on the resources that are disappearing as the city's arts institutions are abandoned.
Save the Arts: Detroit

Save the Arts: Detroit

February 2014.
