The Tragic Tail is a short animation for my graduation project. Consists of a group of four, we created a tale about a Lyrebird who is searching for his identity and true love. I am in charged for the art direction and design. My work is dominant in storyboarding, animatics, character design, environment design, concept art and texturing. I also contributed in the color grading and compositing phase.
And without further ado, screenshots from the animation itself !
Below is the final poster design. We decided to not reveal a lot and let the viewers embark on a journey through the story.
Here are the initial sketches of how the characters were created during the early stages of pre-production.
Some environmental design sketches.
The finalized 3D models of our characters, textured by me.
A piece of concept art to get the mood of the story.
And here is the initial poster design.
Promotional items that are designed for the lecturers to judge on how far our animation could expand its value in terms of marketing and merchandising.
It has been a tremendous 8 months project powered by sweat, tears and continuous determination.
The Tragic Tail