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Modern vintage device collection

Modern vintage device collection
What if gadgets were less typical and more unique? Maybe with a touch of retro style? A vinyl player sized down 
to the pocket gadget? In this project we explore retro styles, shapes and colours in the world of CG.

No restrictions, no function, just pure art and searching for an answer if size matters.

Cassette player
Devil's in the details: modern plastic and glass + retro swithes and volume control wheel = a cassette player we would be happy to stick a pencil in.

Vinyl player
Everything is getting smaller! So it is thought why can't a vinyl record be miniature too? 
For your favourite song you will listen to constantly on repeat.

Hello? It's me! 
Since this phone is always on speaker mode we recommend to take it to public places. 
People would figure you out from far away and enjoy your voice close by.

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Modern vintage device collection

Projekt wykonany dla

Modern vintage device collection
