Daniela Schmidt sin profilDaniela Schmidt sin profil

Short film: "Tranqueira" (2021)

This is an experimental low-budget short film I worked on during the pandemic. The script was written based on a poem I generated (for the most part, randomly) with the text suggestion tool of Gboard.

Abstract for the written part of my project: 
Nowadays, as a consequence of advances in data science and artificial intelligence, algorithms have come to permeate multiple aspects of human life, including culture itself, as well as the seventh art. The influence of market logic in cinema, typical of the culture industry, is potentialized by the advent of machine learning, which helps big producers avoid the financial risks linked to the costly production of films. The culture industry consequently leads to the standardization of cultural goods and the suppression of creativity and innovation, which, according to its logic, generally pose financial risks as they tend to evade provenly profitable parameters. Therefore, seeking to oppose the logic of the culture industry, the main objectives of this project were: the creative exploration through the use of an accessible machine learning tool, as well as using cinema in a poetic way, seeking inspiration in Dadaism and Surrealism, movements that, among other characteristics, highly valued the risky and non-marketable aspects of art. Inspired by “Sunspring” (2016), the film produced in this project was an artistic experimentation based on a poem generated with the help of Gboard, the keyboard app with a predictive typing engine tool widely available on most smartphones.
Short film: "Tranqueira" (2021)

Short film: "Tranqueira" (2021)
