Citroen via Acuity needed to digitise, make responsive and compatible on all mobile devices their online brochures.
WeareAcuity is an UK creative agency were worked on creatives for Citroen UK, Acuity completed the Print brochure and they wanted them to convert it as Interactive Digital Brochure to be added on the Citeoen UK website, more than 26 print catalogues has been converted as digital brochures.
Scope of work : Complete Digitalisation of Print brocure to interactive web brochure, the brochures are a sales tool, so clickable calls-to-action were prominently included. This meant that whenever the potential customer was ready to go to the next stage of their sales journey, they could click to find and contact their local dealer, or begin configuring their perfect vehicle.
Applications used : Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Mag Plus (an indesign plugin for interaction) and HTML
Interactive Digital Brochure


Interactive Digital Brochure
