Homo Homini Lupus Est
Almost 2 decades into democracy and with one of the most free constitutions in the world, our country is still hugely divided. Crime, aids, cultural memes, poverty, and a total lack of debate can be attributed to the problem.

On the one side of the coin, crime, aids and poverty is totally out of control. The poor is suffering terribly from this. On the other side, wealth, opulence and entitlement by the “elite” can be seen as a reason why this whole cycle is accelerating at a dizzying pace.

This triptych portrays three of the main cultural groups in South Africa. The frame in which each cultural representation is placed, confines each group to its own fears, believes, dreams and motives.
Media often enhances the problem of cultural clashes by sensationalizing events. I'm trying to examine a possible solution. Cultures need to reach out and embrace one another. We should reach out of our own cultural confinement and be willing to interact with other, mostly unknown and therefor often feared cultures. We are all living side by side in this country and should be able to do so peacefully.

Only then, through social interaction and debate, will we be able to find workable solutions and mutual respect and understanding.

Man is Wolf to Man
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Man is Wolf to Man

Mixed Media series of drawings depicting the different culture groups in South Africa.

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