Erin Cooneys profil

'Break The Silence' - Menopause Campaign

Fire Starters - Take on Taboos Brief:

Pick a societal taboo- like periods, mental health, sex, death, or anything else that makes us squirm when we have to talk about it publicly. Then choose or create a brand to break it with, and get people talking.

Be innovative, be bold, show clear problem solving, demonstrate a clear articulation of your idea, show beautifully crafted solutions.


Tea is not just a beverage, it serves to facilitate social interaction and joy.
Tea and the culture that surrounds it, would be used as a crutch to create a safe, comfortable setting for important workplace conversations to take place.  As tea flows, so can the conversation about menopause.
I aim to create a campaign that would be focussed on targeting cities as they’re densely populated with working professionals and workplaces. It will be centred around a slightly tongue-in-cheek tone, with a sprinkling of disruptiveness to suit the task at hand of breaking a taboo.

Though process behind the visuals:

The visual language I came up with for this ‘break the silence’ campaign is bold, simple and friendly.

For the colour palette, I opted for pinks, red white and black. Pink is a calming colour associated with love, kindness, and femininity, which is entirely appropriate for this work. Red symbolises action, confidence, and courage which balances out the pink nicely and is representative of the confident, action-focused, conversation sparking and change-making purpose of this project.

Druk text medium and Helvetica bold are the two typefaces used for this campaign. I felt that druk text had a bold, modern and striking look to it, which is needed for the title text in a disruptive, purposeful campaign. Helvetica accompanies this typeface perfectly, with a complimenting boldness, but a lighter, softer more understated look for non-title text.

I created minimalist line work digital illustrations to accompany the digital artwork, these correspond with the copy I cam up with, emphasising the message without distracting.
'Break The Silence' - Menopause Campaign


'Break The Silence' - Menopause Campaign


Kreative områder