I'm a big fan of the strategy game "StarCraft 2" so I just had to make a nice 3D printable sculpture to sit on my desk while playing it! Not just for me but also for the fans of the game. The game itself has 3 races to choose from and the Zerg is of them. The Zerg are based on more of a organic approach to warfare compared to the other races which rely heavily on tech.

Anyway, had a lot of fun making this. Actually easier dan some other hardsurface stuff I made. Below are 2 renders of the model and below that the 3D prints a fan made using my model on a Zortrax M200. I'm really honored that people like it! Haven't got the time (yet) to make a print but I do, I will give it a paintjob :) Thanks for viewing this!
If you want to print the model, you can find it here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:261475
Finished version of my print. 2 layers of Acrylics paint and a glossy varnish.
My printed version with 1 layer of paint and the game model on the background.
Printed by Thingiverse user "BbrnKyle"
Printed by Thingiverse user "BbrnKyle"
For The Hive

For The Hive

3D Printable sculpt of a Zerg Hive


Creative Fields