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TASTE by MMHG Moon Cake Package Design 2021

Moon Cake Package Design
中秋禮盒包裝 / 視覺設計

TASTE by MMHG 使用環保厚紙材質打造簡約且精緻的月餅外包裝,其中「茶月和鳴」禮盒以月盈月缺、品茗以及三款特選月餅為核心打造三層結構式禮盒,可以當作日常收納展示,讓禮盒增加二次使用的環保性,更加多元實用。月餅外型也融入台灣梅花與品牌花紋,包含台灣在地的原民食材馬告以及特色茶選。
Mid-Autumn Symphony

質感系墨綠外盒的【月飲中秋】,是 TASTE by MMHG 節慶檔期主打之一。由 MMHG 創辦人、米其林星廚林泉 Richie 親自監製。注入「茶餐搭配」(pairing) 的飲食概念,使用臺灣在地食材研製多層次的流心月餅,再由專業侍茶師精選臺灣茶葉做搭配。

「美如觀音,重似鐵」的鐵觀音,味濃而醇厚,甘甜滑順而香氣十足,介於芒果和巧克力之間,不會蓋過夏日風味的芒果椰子,又能襯托出 巧克力的苦甜,同時平衡了酸甜與苦甜的味道。


Developed by the founder of MUME Hospitality Group MMHG and Michelin star chef, Richie Lin , TASTE by MMHG would like to share the delicate and lovely Mid-Autumn Symphony Set to help everyone celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Infused with the concept of "pairing", each multi-layered mooncake has been carefully developed using local ingredients from Taiwan and matched with a fine Taiwanese tea chosen by professional tea sommeliers.

[Mid-Autumn Symphony Set] Within the decorated and textured box, you can find two flavors of mooncakes, Mango Coconut Litsea and Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt. Complimenting the mooncakes is Tieguanyin Oolong tea locally sourced from Muzha.

Described to be as “beautiful as Guanyin, as heavy as iron", Tieguanyin Oolong, carries a rich and mellow taste. The sweet and smooth, aromatic tea elegantly flows with the summer flavors of mango coconut , while accentuating the taste of chocolate , balancing sweet and bittersweet simultaneously.

Enjoy the intricate taste of our specialty mooncakes and steep a pot of perfectly complimentary tea to accompany you, as you admire the moon, and celebrate this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival.
Mid-Autumn Symphony Deluxe 
茶月和鳴 裝版


第一層【東方美人茶 x 草莓馬斯卡彭】

第二層【金萱烏龍茶 x 芒果椰子馬告】

第三層【鐵觀音 x 巧克力海鹽焦糖】

The luxurious Mid-Autumn Symphony Deluxe Set uses environmental-friendly packaging to create a stunning and decorative three-layer gift box. When opened, the subtle visuals of the moon phases can be seen, with each of the three layers presenting a unique and new taste. As with the mooncakes and tea, each layer is filled with delightful surprises.

The first gift box layer features White-Tip Oolong tea x Strawberry Mascarpone mooncakes. In every bite, the lighter taste of White-Tip Oolong tea highlights the initial sweet yet tart taste of strawberry, while seamlessly complimenting the trailing fragrance of mascarpone.

The second gift box layer features Milk Oolong Tea x Mango Coconut Litsea Mooncakes.
The creamy scent of Milk Oolong tea blends perfectly with coconut. On your palate, the initial scents of mango and litsea are followed by milky and floral aromas, all the while different flavors emerge as these two flavor elements coalesce.

The third and final gift box layer features Tieguanyin Oolong Tea x Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Mooncakes. The open fire, cocoa, and nutty aromas of Tieguanyin Oolong, flawlessly combines with the inherently fruity and bittersweet aromas of chocolate sea salt caramel. Each sip of tea and mouthful of mooncake works to mutually elevate the richness found in both components.
→ Client : mmhg.co
→ Copywriting : mmhg.co
→ Design : a.better.office
→ Photo : linkerker
→ Print : David 游大緯 / 九水印刷
→ Release date : Aug. 2021
→ Selected paper:
英國新百代 / everpropaper (長瑩紙業)
日本元素紙 / cherrypaper_tw (采憶紙業)
TASTE by MMHG Moon Cake Package Design 2021

TASTE by MMHG Moon Cake Package Design 2021
