RIOT GRRRL is a challenger skincare brand that breaks the social norms and motivates strong, powerful women of all shapes and sizes to love themselves. Using the visual language of street art to symbolise energy and an urban context, RIOT GRRRL stands out from the crowd. The packaging design mimics spray cans and the motivational copy used throughout encourages women in appreciating who they are!
The packaging for RIOT GRRRL's badass skincare. The drips were 3D modelled so consumers can hold the can and feel the texture.
Print marketing used in drugstores.
Instagram is used to pass on positivity to consumers.
POS stands and window vinyls were used to draw in consumers to the product. The lettering was hand drawn on Procreate and is full with encouraging language like "you've got this".
A website was made to accompany the product with features such as exclusive interviews with celebrities and skincare specialists. There's also an information page and the easy ability to purchase our products. 
Have a nice day!


