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Digital Strategy Doesn't Need to Be Overwhelming

Digital Strategy Doesn't Need to Be Overwhelming
If you have studied digital transformation, website design, social media methods, online marketing or reading my latest articles, you might feel a little overwhelmed. Looks like you need to have a master's degree and a five -year experience in almost all things related to the web even to start developing digital strategies. Many business owners decide to stop early and stick to traditional models and methods.

Unfortunately, the traditional method of doing business is less effective. People change their business behavior and do everything online. You can do everything properly, but do not produce as many as your competitors and may work much harder too. How do you get out of this improvement?

Get help from someone who knows

We have lost the count of the number of experienced entrepreneurs that we were surprised when we present their full digital strategy. There are so many components that have to work together to make it work. The first impression they have is, "Geez, I'm not a digital teacher! I don't have time to learn this and keep my business running!" In short, they panicked.

It is true, there are many things to follow. Not only that, but things like online marketing landscapes are always changing so it is more difficult. Changes in the Google Algorithm, Pay per click or shift of PPC advertising placement, new social media portals, acceptable new use policies, and many other things require digital strategists to continue to be at their feet. In fact, I will say 95% of all marketers do not know how to implement digital strategies correctly. Technology and mindset are very new and very fast that it is difficult to compensate unless you are in the middle every day.

The part of what a digital strategist must do is to eliminate all stress and only make an online strategy successful. A good strategy expert will eliminate feelings of overwhelm by your digital strategy and things like social media and website conversion become a source of joy and not stress. Our clients tell us that by turning the website into a conversion machine, we help them, as business owners, focus on their core business, while also building a positive online reputation.

Doing it yourself can kill your business

Being an entrepreneur's own, I really respect business owners who try to dive but this can be more painful than helping if they have not done adequate research. Many business owners make big mistakes by thinking that SEO is a digital strategy. This is only a small component if at all but the business becomes a prey of companies that hunt your business with the scheme "get a ranking quickly" but if it is done incorrectly, it can make your business completely removed from the search engine. Once again, SEO is not a digital strategy, it's just a small component but let's spend time for it.

Seo is the big culprit here. SEO is a set of methods used to increase the visibility of your website in search engines. If you are easier to find, and the ranking is higher on the page, the more likely your site will be clicked. It sounds reasonable, but there are many ways that people have tried to manipulate rankings for years. Using the method that works again in 2012 or previously can make your site not registered. 

Many strategies from that era focused on manipulating the link back to your site in a way that is contrary to Google's core mission. When they apply panda updates, penguins, and their hummingbirds to their machines, many sites are dumped in ranking. Not just a child's business too. JC Penny must really start again with their overall SEO strategy after they were exposed to this update. Visit:

Does it sound extraordinary? If you don't know where to start, or if you think you apply a digital strategy and it doesn't get an attraction, employ digital strategists to change your business.
Digital Strategy Doesn't Need to Be Overwhelming

Digital Strategy Doesn't Need to Be Overwhelming
