Zharta is the real-time NFTs loans platform for borrowers and lenders. Made for everyone who loves NFTs and investing.

We worked on their brand identity and landing page.
Zharta is a new DeFi company in the market. We needed to explain the concept in a quick and easy manner, both to NFT owners and to people who are new to the investment scene.
Since Zharta deals with NFTs, we decided to embrace dominant colours in their visual identity. The animations and copy have one goal in mind: explain, in an engaging way, what Zharta can offer to their users.
Zharta deals with a landscape of users with different investment capacity and goals. So we had to come up with an easy way to explain it. Since they are interactive, the user can engage with them, increasing their attention to the service and the idea of investing.
The copy is straightforward and fun, to convey how simple it is to use Zharta and the benefits.