Entry for an Architectural Competition

This jaded city, of you, & I, You may come, or not Metropolis is a canvas. New cities arise. The new roads, new buildings, these are blank sparkling pages craving for a story. The dwellers are the characters, just as the furnitures are, just as the vehicles are, just as everything this city touches are. 

Metropolis is a canvas, now old, jaded; the roads, dusty. The petty lanes get overwhelmed with inelegant cables, mostly black. Grills meant to protect the lanes from rubbish do their job; the cooped junks, the dusts, they are now lines on a story, the story of Dhaka. Many roads and lanes have these grills, and the garbage of the grills get together to become a gorgeous novel. 

As a long time passes, someone new wanders into this city. They marvel at the external beauty; meanwhile, the stories of Dhaka are preparing to present themselves to the traveler.