Mommy and Me
When a woman becomes a mother, somehow she stops taking photos of herself. Maybe it is because she constantly documents her little bundle of joy. Or maybe it is because her body and life have changed drastically and she is not as confident as she used to be. Or maybe she just doesn't think of doing it anymore. "After all, there are more important things to do". 

Whatever the reason is, I must tell you mother must start existing in family photographs! The mother who holds everything together, the one who feeds the newborn, washes the clothes, cleans the house, makes doctors appointments, holds you tight in her arm must be celebrated and included in beautiful photographs. 

The little one who takes the centre stage in mom's life will eventually grow up. She will want to see her mother at every stage in her motherhood journey. She will look at the family albums to fully understand all that her mother did for her and the family. 

The mother needs to exist in photographs today. The mother should be documented with her children and partner. These photographs should be the ones decorating the walls of your home not just one part of your family: the child. 

Here is a gentle reminder to all the moms and soon to be mommas: document your life as a mother, as a wife, and as a woman too. 
Mommy and Me


Mommy and Me
