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For generations, EVGA ice cream has been the absolute symbol of summer joy for Greeks. That soft feeling of nostalgia and summer bliss was our main inspiration for the EVGA brand and packaging design we created and was launched four years ago in 2019. Check it here. When asked to redesign Greece's oldest (which came out in 1934!) and most iconic ice cream, EVGA (ΕΒΓΑ), we got a major brain freeze. Not because we were out of ideas but because we were so flooded with memories and feelings that we didn't know where to begin. Long story short, things went great, the launch was super successful, people loved it, sales boomed, and the brand conquered the market, with the family range climbing to the top of the category. Following this launch, several product lines were introduced in the following years, and EVGA kept scaling its portfolio offering new choices relevant to the consumer.

This 2-flavored product line (Chocolate - Caramel) is a significantly more indulging and "sinful" suggestion from EVGA compared with the "humble" SKUs of the 3L family range. This new range addresses a much younger consumer and a different consumption occasion emphasizing the "me-moments." To reflect this on the pack, we differentiated from the previous easy-going-under-the-sun design concept and added some edge and excitement to our designs. The foodshots provide the ultimate indulgence and pleasure to the look & feel, and in combination with vivid colors and bold, playful typography, we aimed to achieve a more youthful touch.

Going back to the 1930s, the decade when EVGA ice creams came out, large D.I.Y. signs were visible across convenience stores that the owners used to paint with thick paintbrushes at the front of their establishments. The designs were simple & honest, with imperfections that added a light-hearted and friendly character. True to the brand's roots, we expanded the core concept of the EVGA identity, creating tailor-made hand lettering for the main info of the packs. 

Client: Unilever Hellas
Launch date: 2022
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