Children are an heritage of the LORD: And the fruit of the womb is his reward.  Psalm 127:3 

By the grace of God we were blessed with a baby girl on July 4th. Here we stand as a witness for all the good things God has brought forth in our lives. To this we have named our girl declaring 'Jehovah is my Lord' and 'God is gracious' for He has indeed been gracious throughout the pregnancy and delivery.
Open and see the video to check out what we have named our baby girl. We pray to bring up the child in a way that she would stand true to whatever she is named ❤️

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and do continue to uphold us in your prayers. 😊  - Jennifer Rebecca (My Wife)

I have been blessed with a baby girl, we had no clue how to name her, finally God provided the thoughts to find one beautiful name and I wanted to announce it with a small video invitation and in the process of creating this, I have learned so much :-)

I have used my wife calligraphy drawing to create the unique font for the name Adona Jane
Time Taken: 16Hrs        Software used: After Effects, Adobe Illustrator      Graphics elements are downloaded
Winny to Bunny


Winny to Bunny
