Profil von Chris Letterle

Ronix Watersports Designs

Wakeboard designs for Ronix Watersports
(not commissioned, personal project)
Wakeboarding and Wakesurfing have incredible designs that showcase the creativity in both the artists and the riders who are involved. In the same way you can create anything your mind can think of, you can ride a wave in seemingly endless ways. Because of this, the possibilities are infinite. These posts are either advertisement designs of existing products, or completely new designs I have come up with myself.
Instagram Posts
Designed to be posted separately in the same row, or together in a carousel setup,
these posts are intended to be one continuous image spread out across multiple images.
Magazine Advertisements
Magazine ads have more space to get extra creative with the design.
More information can be presented and the viewer can get a better understanding of the products.
My Designs
Using inspiration pulled from current/past designs, as well as the ideas in my own mind, these are some board graphics I have created.
Ronix Watersports Designs


Ronix Watersports Designs
