Profil użytkownika „Ehsan Noursalehi”

OpenSocket Prosthetic Arm - A Photographic Journey

The OpenSocket is a prosthetic arm that can be fit in 30 minutes and costs 90% less than traditional devices
Traditional prosthetic arms are custom made one at a time for each patient, instead, the OpenSocket is off-the-shelf and comes in small, medium, and large sizes. 
In developing countries, 98% of amputees do not have access to prosthetic care. 
There are not enough prosthetists or prosthetic labs in the world to make enough prosthetic arms for every amputee who wants or needs one. 
The OpenSocket can be fit anywhere in the world in the 30 minutes using just a few simple tools. 
Unlike conventional devices, the OpenSocket is adjustable. It achieves  the contoured, tailored fit of a custom device without the need for custom fabrication.
"I have an expectation of something good, but not this good. I love that its very light and that the material is very comfortable." -Carlos Ronac
"It is very exciting see the joy in patients eyes as you are able to almost magically fit this arm in 30 minutes, in the middle of nowhere."  
-Dr. Peter Rohloff, Wuqu' Kawoq Medical Health Alliance 
"We don't have access to an affordable solution in the local market but we were able to fit 12 OpenSocket arms in 2 days" 
-Dr. Luis Boquin, Orthopedic Institute of Honduras
It all started when a few of my engineering classmates and I decided we wanted to spend our free time designing an affordable prosthetic arm for the developing world.
One thing led to another and we went from just designing an arm in our free time to starting a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization with dozens of volunteers and over 20 partners in 7 countries around the world.
Left to Right. Front: Ehsan Noursalehi & Jon Naber. Back: Hari Vigneswaran, Luke Jungles, Richard Kesler, & Adam Booher. 
Research & Brainstorming 
Co-Design with Range of Motion Project in Zacapa Guatemala
Starting over with new insights
New generation of prototypes
Co-Design Chicago, IL
Concept Review
Approaching the final Concept
Testing at Northwestern with Mike + Horace
Testing with Bill Taylor
Design Refinement
Developing 3 Sizes based on Anthropometrics of General Population
Hand Making Prototypes for long-term Testing
Developing the OpenSocket in Rural Guatemala
Understanding Amputees in India
Going from Metal to Plastic & Testing In House Manufacturing
The OpenSocket Design
First Patient in El Salvador
Manufacturing the OpenSocket
Clinic in a Box for India
Distrubuting Arms in Guatemala, Honduras, & El Salvador with Field Partners
OpenSocket Prosthetic Arm - A Photographic Journey

OpenSocket Prosthetic Arm - A Photographic Journey

The extensive process of developing the very affordable and easy to fit OpenSocket prosthetic arm. Traditional prosthetic arms are custom made on Rozwiń
