Mykola Slabenko's profile PV 9.0 | Living Room, Kyiv PV 9.0, part 1

As a person with a technical mindset, I didn't pay much attention to emotional part of the work while creating visualizations, which was my mistake because at some point I started to realize that something's off about my works - they looked good but at the same time I didn't like them.

From this point, I understood that I need to improve my skills, so I started to look for a good school of visualization. My choice was and I'm more than happy with the result! I improved my visualization skills and learned the most important thing for myself - how to convey a specific emotion to my work to make it interesting to look at.

Reference: Elena Fateeva, Fateeva Design studio


All the work was divided into stages: modeling, lighting, shaders and postproduction. Each of the stages is the basis of almost any visualization, but in each of the stages is given a lot of attention in order to get a high-quality and realistic result.

1. Modeling

2. Lighting + Local Shaders

3. Shaders + Postproduction PV 9.0 | Living Room, Kyiv
Published: PV 9.0 | Living Room, Kyiv
