Profil appartenant à Marta Perkowska



June 28 is International LGBTQ Day and the Ben Amics de Pride Association The Balearic Islands​​​​​​​ - commission a poster for the day from the moment of its dissemination on the Instagram network to placing on profile: /. Designing a poster, printed advertising materials and advertising posts on social media I defined slogan and the nature of the advertising campaign.
Getting to know the political party

Ben Amics - Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual and Intersex Association of the Balearic Islands is a non-profit association founded since 1991 and legally registered in 1994 that fights against the situation of legal discrimination and social marginalization of people in the Balearic Islands. collective. We are a team of people who work to achieve full equality and respect for society in the face of emotional, sexual and gender diversity.

At Ben Amics, there is an LGTBI-friendly space aimed at young people aged 15-30, where everyone can share their experiences, meet other people and fight for their rights.

In addition to meetings, they organize activities and we want young people to feel like real heroes. One of the projects was the creation of the TRIVIAL LGTB, a resource subsidized at European level by "Jóvenes en Acción. Initiatives 2.1 ”and in cooperation with the Ben Amics educational area and PICAT. There is also Encuentros de Jóvenes Diversxs, a camp full of different dynamics and workshops for young people aged 15-25.

Ben Amics goals:

- Condemn LGTBIphobia, defend the social and legal equality of reality in LGTBI, and put an end to all discrimination on the basis of affective-sexual orientation and gender identity in all areas: social, educational, media, employment ... our society, and more specifically in our Autonomous Community.
- Promotion of health and the fight against any discrimination against people living with HIV.
- Service delivery, leisure initiatives, training and awareness raising; everything from promoting solidarity and volunteering. We want to create meeting places for the lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex community.
To achieve these goals, Ben Amics conducts various activities: LGTBI Pride Month, Workshops and Talks on Affective-Sexual and Gender Diversity, Information Boards, Tours, Film Series, Awareness Campaigns, Diverse Youth Meetings, etc.

Issuing entity, geographical context, competences

Recipients are all residents of the Balearic Islands, especially those who identify as LGBT people. Average age 15-55. 
The phase of creating

Colors referring to the rainbow colors of LGBT people were the basis for each of the projects. In each of the projects I used a slogan advertising the international day of LGBTQ people. All posts are planned for communication on social media, in this case on Instagram or Twitter.

Slogans: love has no gender, #OrgullLGBTI2021
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