Profil Carolina Danu

These Strange New Roots II, 2022, ceramic, 15x15x4in

These Strange New Roots II
These Strange New Roots II, 2022
recycled cone 10 stoneware, glaze
Second of a series of sculptures that pray tribute to my experiences as an immigrant through the creation of almost alien like plants inspired by cacti that convey my new roots in California, so far removed from home and the comfort and intrigue that the new vegetation of this new and foreign place provided.
Sculpting Process: Spheres upon Spheres upon Spheres
Bisque-ware: Ready to be Glazed
Finished Piece and Details
Images of the work displayed at the show, Straight Outta the Kiln.
These Strange New Roots II, 2022, ceramic, 15x15x4in

These Strange New Roots II, 2022, ceramic, 15x15x4in
