Simone Rodriguess profil

30 days | 30 illustrations

This illustration challenge was created by the Brazilian illustrator Ingrid Osternack and I knowed about it reading her book "Desafio de Ilustração infantil" (Children's Illustration challenge), published by Filastrocca editor. The book propose to draw for 30 uninterrupted days, following her commands on different themes. I adapted the challenge to make it more difficult and I chose to draw without visual references, without consults on the internet, no looking to physical objects, books, magazines or anything you can use by reference.  The biggest challenge here is 'to draw with what you have inside you', using memories and creativity, like how was in the past, before the internet or any computer drawing tool. I used different techniques, tools and styles. In the 90% of time, I drew on the iPad and the others 10%, I illustrated and painted by freehand.The Ingrid's challenge is expecificly to children's illustration, but I chose to do it with more freedom, not just only for kids universe.

P.S. Some designs can contains unperfect proportions and much more.
Any way, it's part of the process. :D

Enjoy the result of this challenge!
Day 01 Draw an object related to you, that you really like

Day 02 Draw an animal. It can be Domestic, wild, caricatures,
"cute" or "humanized" (with clothes and accessories)

 "Tita e Rodolfo"

Day 03 Draw a kitchen object

Day 04 Draw something related to nature. It can be a forest, a flower, a lake, mountains, leaves, etc

Day 05 Draw a kind person

"The cure of love"
Day 06 Draw anything as long as the predominant color is pink.

 "The Flamingo Birth"
Day 07 Draw a fairy tale character that doesn't exist in real life: a dragon.

 "Rick, the dragon"
Day 08 Illustrate a tourist place that you like.

 "No meio do Pitiú" 

This is a local expression for "in the middle a characteristic smell"
Day 09 Based on the place drawn earlier, draw a typical local costume


*Carimbó is a Brazilian dance. The dance was common in the northern part of Brazil.​​​​​​​
Day 10 Draw the best food you like.

"couscous with coffee"
Day 11  Draw a stylized animal, with different and unconventional textures

 "Love of cat"
Day 12 Draw a person working

"Batedor de Açaí"

Açaí processor worker
Day 13 Draw means of transport

"through the streets"

Note: I never be attention to cars and their geometry. I know it has wheels and windows ok?
Day 14 Draw a king or queen, with the personality you want.

 "Sweet queen"
Day 15 Draw a scene that represents a weather.

"Spring / summer"
Day 16 Design a machine or equipment, however you want

 "Sound Typewriter"

Note: I chose to draw something that doesn't exist. It would  be a mix of accordion, piano, book and record player.
Day 17 Draw a self-portrait


Note: I opted for something more figurative, with lots of details. This was the longest and took almost 4 hours of work.
Day 18 Draw a musical instrument


Note: Who knows me, knows that I love the violin melody. I have one, I just need to play it right.
Day 19 Design something vintage or retro that conveys the "feel" of the time when the object existed

Day 20 Illustrate something that brings you a little joy. Even if the actual colors are different,
use just the colors what do you like


Note: 'Tita' is our cat. She was abandoned and found a lot of love in our home.
Day 21 Draw a person in the best weather of the year to you

Day 22  Draw a person performing some movement with their arms and legs.

"Fred, o equilibrista"

Alert: This drawing contains tiredness + tiredness = That's, by anyway.
Day 23 Draw an exotic person.

 "Native Beauty"

Note: This drawing was started freehand and then I did a photo, manipulated and painted in the Procreate app.
Day 24 The challenge for this day is to draw a text: "As soon as he landed, he felt a chill.
What planet would it be? Is there extraterrestrial life here?"


Day 25 Draw a person using a equipment and something unexpected happens.

"Carrot Juice"

Note: This drawing was done freehand with graphite pencils, colored with colored pens 
with black pigment on the edges. Without "Ctrl + Z", the challenge is always great.
Day 26 Think about something you miss when you was a kid and illustrate with emotion.

 "The jambo's tree"

Note: Eating some fruits upside the trees is one of the top memories when i was i kid. 
There was a jambo tree in front of our house.
Day 27 Create an illustrated map. Can be real or fictional

"Treasure map"

Note: To this one I used a different technique. I made a quick freehand drawing
that was photographed and manipulated in Procreate App.
Day 28 Draw someone who was very important in your life in some way. 
It doesn't have to be a parent or someone famous, but someone you look up to for some reason.

"Aunt Zuza"

Note: I chose to draw my first teacher, who named Maria Osiel Lisboa, who recently left us to be an angel in the sky. "Aunt Osiel" was an important part of my base of life. With her i learned to read, to write and be what a be today. I tried to draw what I remember (a little) of her physically.
Day 29 Draw a science experiment that went wrong. 
Include a character and lab elements.

"Mad Cientist"
Day 30 Draw what looks like your dream job
"Draw, live and love"
"In this life, it's very important to do what you love".

30 days | 30 illustrations


30 days | 30 illustrations
