lou suSi さんのプロファイル

A storyFirst Approach to Human-Centered Design

Although I've included little bits and hints to this topic in more casual presentations I've given in the recent past, this SlideShare Deck captures the recent lecture I gave as part of Massachusetts College of Art and Design's 2014 Thursday Evening Lecture Series through their Continuing and Professional Education Department
The talk ran a little under an hour long and covered approaches to leveraging looser, human-feeling storytelling methods to help inform, design, develop and iteratively optimize experience design for: garnering better personal awareness and contextual understanding in the world; professional, collaborative practices with corporate UX design and development teams { in ways that closely align and play well with current, industry-standard Agile and Lean UX methodologies }; philosophical 'life-design' guidance for yourself and others; thinking about ways to designEmpower Design for Good for The Bigger Picture when thinking about ways to actively and consciously design and promote positive change for humanity and the world. 

This was the official premiere lecture for 'A storyFirst Approach to Human-Centered Design' — not exactly a 'beta,' but also the first of many iterative talks focused on the themes of design, awareness and creating positive change by actively living with a certain design philosophy and perspective in heart and mind.
For more information and updates on my iterative development and any further public speaking engagements for the storyFirst talk, please visit http://storyfirst.org. You can also read more about some of the Design for Good ideas I promote and inspire through a storyFirst Approach by checking out my Medium post 'We live our stories'
A storyFirst Approach to Human-Centered Design
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A storyFirst Approach to Human-Centered Design

The storyFirst presentation puts a different perspective on the kind of work we do in the experience design and usability industry. Besides dis 詳細を表示

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