Adaptive structures

3D pohyb
After Effects

Adaptive structures

We think that our future should be one of digital exploration and the development of a new way of thinking and how we define how we do our work. Researching procedural generated forms helps us better understand what might be happening with shapes under physical forces such as gravity, wind and so on. Combining forces and dynamics we could easily control their behavior to get final looking figure. We’ve used 3d noise maps with low octaves to minimize complex patterns. Design is simple, light, flexible and depict our vision of futuristic adaptive structures.


We always try to elicit emotion using visual language with deep sound to breathe life into the images. Speaking of environment and materials we've decided to use pure and minimalistic style which could be emphasize futuristic vibe. Below few examples of works where you can feel it. 

Future UI

When we were exploring forms we got an interesting result that reminded us kind of futuristic UI. We were trying to wonder how it might looks on the verge of digital technology and bio-engineering. 
How that could be designed to make bio-engineering less of a challenge, less of a problem and more like a science fiction setting? We also might need something as simple and user friendly.

 All these explorations are a way to find new ideas and constructive solutions for commercial and artistic application.

Adaptive structures