Ananya Mohan profili

E-Publication- Alex Trochut

E-Publication on Alex Trochut 
The given brief was to design an E-publication of 2000 words on any given graphic designer and I have done the same on Alex Trochut. 
The process of the project was fun and also time consuming as a lot of research was done on Alex Trochut which was first documented and then came the designing which had to be done on Adobe In-design. I was inspired to use 3 colors for this that is Blue, Grey and White which I feel go perfectly well with each other. For the typography I have used 2 typefaces which are 'Berlin Sans FB' for the headings, 'Candara' for the paragraphs. The flip-book was created using Heyzine Flipbooks.
E-Publication- Alex Trochut
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E-Publication- Alex Trochut

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