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Chia Seeds: The Superfood of the 21st Century?

Chia Seeds: The Superfood of the 21st Century?
Chia seeds are a popular food in Mexico, where they’re used as a condiment and to make dishes moister. They’re high in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients that can help your body function well. You can eat them raw, soaked in liquid, or baked into dishes. They might be able to help prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. Buying chia seeds in Australia is linked to weight loss, healthy digestion, and possibly type 2 diabetes prevention.

Chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients that can help your body function well.
You can eat them raw, soaked in liquid, or baked into dishes.
They might be able to help prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
Chia seeds are linked to weight loss, healthy digestion, and possibly type 2 diabetes prevention.
Chia seeds are healthy for you!

Chia Seeds: The Superfood of the 21st Century?
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Chia Seeds: The Superfood of the 21st Century?

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