Profil użytkownika „ studio”

2022's Resume - レジュメ

2022's Resume - レジュメ

Hey everyone !

For my last year of study at my graphic design school, I have to do a long-term internship

For this occasion I wanted to distinguish myself and show all my skills on a CV representing my universe and inspirations as well as possible

Influenced by Paiheme's work on his version of his CV,
I wanted to try this same exercise (but also go and see his project !)

Pour ma dernière année d'étude dans mon école de design graphique, je dois effectuer un stage sur une longue durée
Pour cette occasion j'ai voulu me distinguer et montrer l'ensemble de mes compétences sur un CV représentant au mieux mon univers et inspirations
Have a look at it !

  To see more of my work on Instagram.

More works on Instagram and Pinterest !

2022's Resume - レジュメ


2022's Resume - レジュメ

