rega planar 6
Rega Planar 6 – EXACT MM is the most up-to-date expansion to Rega’s amazing Planar series. The design of each part of the Planar 6 is to extract however much detail from the vinyl surface according to the expectation. Therefore, use of advance materials and designing arrangements all through the planning system. This turntable flaunts the best degree of execution whose accomplishment might be at the greatest level.
High spec Rega 24V low-noise simultaneous engine.
Plinth cover – Polaris high-pressure laminate.
RB330 handcrafted tonearm fitted as standard.
PRO MC Cartridge
The Rega MC cartridge range the Ania Pro purposes our high-level Vital profile bare precious stone pointer.
Tracking Pressure 1.75 – 2.00g.
Input load impedance 100 ohms.
Output impedance 10 ohms.
Nominal output voltage 350μV.
Channel Balance : ≥ 20μV.
Separation : ≥ -29dB.
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rega planar 6


rega planar 6


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