Henkilön David D'Addario profiili

How Are Aluminum Cans Recycled?

David D'Addario, a seasoned industry leader in the metals sector, is the chairman and CEO of DADA Holdings and its affiliates. At the beginning of his career, David D'Addario worked with Leading Wise Metals Group, a manufacturer of aluminum sheets that uses recycled aluminum resources. Today, his companies are involved in the production and recycling of aluminum, among other things.

One of the most recycled commercial items worldwide is the aluminum container because it can be easily done and has a way to help people earn a living. Studies reveal that the aluminum recycling industry makes more than $800 million annually.
Aluminum recycling begins with collecting used cans and transporting them to a recycling center. This process includes gathering the aluminum containers at recycling facilities, public drop-off locations, or roadside collection locations.

Next, the collected containers move to scrap processing plants, where they're compressed into extremely thick briquettes or bales, then sent to aluminum factories for melting. The aluminum factories then use chemicals to strip the cans of their dye. Afterward, they're placed into furnaces with other salvaged metals to melt.

The molten aluminum is then put into rolling mills, where they're thinned to around a hundredth of an inch. Then, the metal is sent to companies that make cans. Finally, beverage firms purchase these cans and fill them up with products.

How Are Aluminum Cans Recycled?

How Are Aluminum Cans Recycled?
