Graduation Project 1
Jewelry inspired by :
(Reda Troupe) for Egyptian Folk Dance
The rest of designs was executed as wooden products 
( Balad sowwah Bazar )

تم تنفيذ بقية التصميمات في صورة منتجات خشببية
( بازار بلد سوَّاح )
Double Faced Key-Chain
Makeup Pocket Mirrors for Friends
Best Friends Key-Chain
Key-Chain (The same design is executed as jewellery before but coated differently)
Handbag Accessory
(The same design is executed as jewellery before but in different Techniques)
"Love in Karnak" (1967) Film Collection
 "مجموعة فيلم "غرام في الكرنك
Dances and Shows Titles Stickers
Price Tickets
The primary 3D Stuff
Project Information
The Real Dancing shows Shots
Who is Reda Troupe?
فنُّ الرقْصِ هُوَ الوَحيدُ الذى يَسْتَطيعُ أنْ يَفْهَمه الجَميع لأنَّهُ بِلا كَلام، وَقَد اِحْتَفَت بِنا كُلُّ شُعوبِ العالَمِ عَلى الرَّغْمِ مِنْ أنَّنا كُنَّا  نَقومُ بِعُروضٍ شَعْبيَّةٍ مُغْرَقَةٍ في المَحَلِّيَّة
- فَريدَة فَهْمي -

“The art of dance is the only thing that everyone can understand, because it's without words, and all of people around the world celebrated us despite the fact that our shows is completely Local"
- Farida Fahmy -
Egypt Folk Dance (Graduation Project 1)

Egypt Folk Dance (Graduation Project 1)

This project is about taking Different Screenshots from Reda troupe's shows and personalizing them in my own way into Jewellery, trying to use di Развернуть
