Project Title: Companion app for ADHD external aid Write your app’s name and tagline. Name: TaskPal Companion Tagline: "chill with tasks"
Write a short paragraph describing your app. Make sure to mention what the app does and what problem it solves. this app's goal is to help the management of the external device which is used for accommodation of challenges faced by ADHD children in completing daily tasks.
Describe four specific functions that your app will do. List these ideas in order of importance, with the first idea being the most important. 1. signing up and syncing the device with the server 2. providing advanced panels for prizes like modifying character appearance and clothes or socializing 3. cognitive behavioral profiling tests 4. choosing area of use for further personalization
List 4 potential roles that are a part of your initial user target group. Then, expand on one of the roles with a detailed profile description of one of these potential users. 1. ADHD children or generally children with impulse control difficulties 2. children who are interested in role playing games 3. children who are aiming to do long tasks 4. children who like to socialize
Come up with 4 client/designer goals for your app design. You don't have to assign these to a category (political, social, etc). List your goals in order of importance, with the first goal being the most important. 1. academic studies (educational) 2. making money(finances) 3. helping people (social) 4. improving our portfolio
Name and briefly describe 3 existing apps that are similar to your app idea. habitica : organizing life and stay motivated by games////////habit forest : grow habit like plants //////////////to doist : making to do list
assistive app process
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assistive app process

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