medical project
Hello, I'm Heba, I'm a Software Engineer. I will now show the work I did for my Graduation Project as a UI/UX &Graphic Designer. This medical project connects the patient and the doctor with many advantages I have designed a web site for the doctor and patient and a mobile application for the patient.
Let's start with the patient's website
Mobile application for the patient
Doctor's website
I made the logo with ideas that fit the idea of the project, which is the medical idea, so I used the blue colors And red and I used inside the logo signs indicating the doctor and treatment. I also used a part of the stethoscope in its manufacture. I also used the shape of heart rates in the logo to indicate that it was medical. This was the first step I did in the project, which is to make the logo.
Tell me your feedback, in order to develop my designs
medical project


medical project
