Bartie Landing page

Thank you!
During the last few months, my great team and I (all of us - freshly graduated UX/UI designers from Telerik Academy) were working on creating a software platform for Barter exchange and donation of goods.

The idea behind the creation of Bartie was to build a user-friendly platform for people, who are passionate about sustainability and the benefits which the concept provides, namely preserving the environment by giving second life to goods which are in good shape and can be re-used.

Our aim was not only to build the platform in the appropriate manner, but also to enhance the feeling of being a part of a community which cares about each other and the goods that are exchanged.

Here is a sneak peek of our landing page! Meanwhile, we are working on the final touches of our project and, very soon, we will be ready to share the full case study.

Feel free to take a look and share your thoughts with us - this will help us improve further, so any feedback is welcome!
Bartie Landing page