JA Worldwide

Rebrand for JA Worldwide - a non-profit youth organisation founded in 1919. It prepares young people for employment and entrepreneurship. It has offices in over 100 countries and serves over 10 million students each year. This year it was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

From the original JA logos (1919 and 1941), which used wings as their visual symbol, came the idea of flying, exceling, having the means to soar. Yet JA students do not stand alone, but have an impact on everyone around them. If every JA student created jobs for just five others, youth unemployment would soon be a thing of the past. For this reason, we started with JA’s original soaring bird and made it a flock of six. JA’s brand symbol honors JA’s long and impactful history while moving it into the future.

Design included logo design, brand manual, advertising, posters, web design guidelines, reports templates, apparel applications, signage and architectural patterns.

JA Worldwide

JA Worldwide
