Kapok has 3 musicians. Studio AIRPORT has 3 designers. Kapok creates music, Studio AIRPORT creates images. Kapok uses the percussions, guitar and a horn. Studio AIRPORT also chose 3 instruments: A paint roller, a marker and paper snips. Each visual instrument is a metaphor for a music instrument.
With these instruments we’ve created compositions, just like Kapok does with music. The results are a album design, special edition, press picture, poster, tour flyers, website and a design for the stage setting.
Website Kapok
Photography by Marleen Kuipers
Code by Dotred

Check our website / Studio AIRPORT and our Facebook


Kapok has 3 musicians. Studio AIRPORT has 3 designers. Kapok creates music, Studio AIRPORT creates images. Kapok uses the percussions, guitar and Rozwiń
