Perfil de Lakshmi Sundaram

SWITCH • Space Upgrade

Project Switch is an idea evolved to elevate and develop a cohesive space. Designed for an outdoor lounge of an office space, the existing tree is used for its visual advantage, to create a sense of curiosity of the bespoke mural wall.
Intended to serve as a multi-functional interaction space, the idea adds an iconic value to the overall space & users as they proceed to approach via the primary walkway of the campus.
Proposed for an office space, the windows of opportunity mural here translates the endless possibilities of every key aspect of a workplace and its significant relationship with one another through simply symbolizing the characteristics of the chosen animals when looked out of a window. 
The basic qualities of every animal selected to go up on the wall is what makes a strong, efficient and a powerful team. The whole mural is intended to tap one such quality out of anyone who sees it, or at least add an elegant visual value to the space that might get one to wonder about the same. 
Switch along with its designed elements creates a focal, functional and an aesthetic essence to its users. The upgrade encourages spending quality time, conducting executive meet & greets in a fresh setting and to also host close knit workspace events/celebrations.  
SWITCH • Space Upgrade

SWITCH • Space Upgrade

A custom art & architectural space upgrade and design solution.
