Conference Speech Magazine.

In this project I have created several models of covers and sheets for this magazine. I will show everything I have worked on and how my work has evolved to what is now my final project.

This was going to be my first model where I would express what the message of the speech prevailed with the images, but the objective of this project is to be able to enhance the importance of design through typography, so I changed the images and accommodated the text.

I also had several models to choose the cover, I hope my choice was good, because I chose the most simple and elegant cover again.

Due to the restructuring of the magazine, there was space left over and I covered it with the lyrics of the hymn that the speaker is talking about.

This is how the new magazine turned out, this is the end and it stays with that color palette, the dynamics and the elegance that I wanted it to have.

This is my mockup, the magazine is open right in the middle and next to it is the closed magazine showing its cover.

I hope you liked it, thank you.

Conference Speech Magazine