Perfil de Artem Fotor (S.)

Series of posters and branding for "Neskromnyi bar"

For the wine bar "Neskromnyi" in Kharkov, I have developed a series of theater posters. Wine bar "Neskromnyi", the concept of which was also co-authored by me.
"Neskromnyi" became the first wine bar in Kharkiv, where you can taste more than 100 wines per strait. Also, in addition to a large wine list and excellent cuisine, the bar offers a wide range of events "Wine Battles", theater performances, public meetings with the city's intelligentsia, as well as DJ sets. For all events, I developed a style of graphic identification. Where I used my favorite collage technique
Each evening had its own special menu. For this, a layout of a special
menu was developed.
And of course posters for the all month
And this is me and my friend and business partner Denis Saltevskiy at the final of the "Salt" restaurant award in Kyiv, Ukraine we present the Neskromny wine bar as a finalist of the best wine bars in Ukraine in 2021. For a great idea and implementation.
If you are interested in cooperation, please email me 
Series of posters and branding for "Neskromnyi bar"


Series of posters and branding for "Neskromnyi bar"


Sectores creativos